Recharging your battery:


These notes are from LTUE 2014

– YouTube – find motivational videos and find what speaks to you. Maybe say this. He can return back to them when wanted
– Force yourself to write can help you over a trouble spot.
– Give yourself permission to step away from writing such as when life gets in the way, argues pursue marketing.
– Something will find films cars to be a wonderful resource to simulate emotions for writing.
– Reconnect with things that inspire you, such as movies and music that excite you.
– Create a play list that can connect your mind to the topic of the story you write.
– Been able to use a smart phone means you can talk anywhere by a duty project. An alternative is a recorder.
– Some people use noise concealing headphones.
– 10 people’s reaction to your fiction can be encouraging.
– When you have a world and setting. Think of a character who suffers the most to a story about
– Writing comes down to your own personal discipline.
– What you tell yourself can become reality, good or bad.
– Always keep your mind over to inspiration of the world and things around you.
– Protect your writing space. Having reserved for writing.
– Have a routine that has breaks that can recharge.
– Article: Americans work the wrong way. New York Times. He was at best a 90 minute cycles.
– When you pattern of writing that works best for you.
– During breaks into your mind and let it reset, maybe by doing some completely different than writing. Have two projects at once. So if you get tired of what you can, become the other.
– Having a community of other writers can help encourage each other.

Have something to add to the list? Please do so in the comment section of this blog.

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