Realistic fight scenes:


While I attended Life the Universe and Everything this year I took some great notes on a panel about how to make fight scenes more realistic. Hope these will be of interest. It’s a short list this round.

  • you need to have fight scenes or some form of tension throughout the whole plot of your book.
  • You may want to color code different sections of your book to indicate action, romance, or maybe even plot points to make sure that you distribute each element evenly throughout the text have segments of the main plot, action, or romance near each other throughout the different sections of the book, swaying ending: character gets away with everything he wants, but he has two preform and immoral act. He decides to compromise on a principle is always followed and he loses everything, but in the end he gets it back.
  • Each of your main characters need to have a home plot, protagonist, antagonist, download dramatic, you should be able to get the demo. It can help with your story writing.

Have something to add to the list? Please share in the comment section of this blog.

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