A variety of benefits from volunteering:


Today is just a short blog and I’m reflecting upon this topic.  I thought what are some of the benefits of volunteering? So here are some benefits.How could volunteering help:

You gain experiences

I admit that I am very self-centered. I can see how volunteering can get me out of my box and at the same time I gain new experiences I’ve never had before. This can make me a more informed individual and depending upon where I volunteer. I can learn some new skills and it can broaden my perspectives on various individuals, events and perspective of the world.

Making new friends:

As I think back upon my life. It’s interesting where I have met some of my best friends. What better place is there to meet people than those who volunteer their time for a cause they believed in? It provides the possibility to maybe make new friends. I have a hard time making new friends. This will give me a chance to practice. Volunteering is a good place to befriend people who are the type of individuals who donate their time to help others. As a single person this seems like a great way to occupy one of my evenings.

Helping people:

It’s amazing how many wonderful things can be accomplished through volunteers. It helps aid in the ills of the world. It helps produce wonderful events of the community or elsewhere, and it lets people who have a variety of skills and knowledge help build other people up. There’s also the idea that many hands make light work.

Not only can it help me and others spiritually and mentally on helping others because it helps us get outside our box of being self-centered. It may help us make the world a better place by learning and meeting other people that may have a similar ambition. It becomes a win-win scenario.

What do you feel are the benefits of volunteering? Please share your input in the comment section this blog.

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