Meet the Orem Candidates’ night:


I attended meet the candidate night and I went prepared to ask five questions. The questions were,

1. What are their feelings about the cares program? In particular, about money being spent for such projects as some of the story

2. How is, do they feel that the utopias situation should be addressed.

3. What was the previous occupation?

4. Are they familiar with agenda 21

5. How should the city address the Midtown Village?

Some of the questions were missed on some of the candidates, but here are my responses

Mayor Candidates

Chris Nichols:

Is against agenda 21

Feels that the care finances should be spread out amongst multiple organizations

He disagrees with my perceptions of the city Council was not listening to the citizens. He feels citizens need be more informed

Does feel that Utopia should be accountable to obligations

Should feel that there should be more town halls to inform the citizens of what’s going on

He is a real estate agent, so is familiar with land management

Meeting with Utopia tomorrow to address concerns

Robert Wright:

Against Utopia has written multiple letters to the city Council expresses concerns about how things are being handled

Does not feel that the ‘cares’ finances should be at dedicated to the story for center

Hans Anderson:

I’m familiar with this fellow, when he gave a presentation at the Orem tea party.

Still think the government should not be involved in private businesses

Was to find a way to limit Utopia

He did attend all Council meetings. Except for two. In one of those missed two he attended electronically because he was sick

I asked him about his rumored abrasiveness. He said one has to stick to principles and people voting records can determine their values.

He was the only one of the current high Council did not vote to raise taxes

Richard Brunst:

I didn’t have the chance to interview this fellow, but his paragraph says it’s been about the community

Is against Utopia

City Council Candidates:

Mary Street:

Incumbent was not able to make it


Brent summer:

Incumbent was not able to make it

David Spencer:

No Utopia

Feels of the budget has been handled incorrectly and still contains a lot of fluff

Believes in a balanced budget

Feels the city should not be involved in the private sector

Debby Lauret:

Thinks that Utopia should be controlled

Didn’t know about agenda 21

Supports ‘cares’ financing

Will be going with Mayor Candidate Chris Nichols to Utopia meeting to address concerns

Robert Davis:

Believes in small government

Needs to address Utopia concerns

No center for story

Claude Richards:

Prioritize funding of city budget, such as police buildings, etc.

Knows about agenda 21 and is against it

Tom McDonald:

Doesn’t know about agenda 21

We need to live within our means

Against center for story financing

Brian Jenkins:

Against agenda 21

Worked on Diane’s campaign, Mike Lee, Jason campaigns

Against Utopia

Occupation: investor

Do not interfere with private sector

Less government

Jared Jardine:

Live within our means

No center for story

Against agenda 21

Belize and limited government

Want to keep in the caucus

Charles Hart:

Cut off the money for Utopia

No money for cares

Did not know about agenda 21

Styler Hamilton:


Believes in individual freedom

No financing for cares

Against Utopia

Against agenda 21

Sharon Anderson:

I didn’t take notes on Sharon because I’m already pro-Sharon

The last few years she’s been attending various meetings, city, county, state to express concerns of freedom and management

She appears to walk the walk and talk the talk and has been actively involved in the last few years.

Wayne Burr:

Didn’t like that the city gave Utopia $5 million

Against agenda 21

He says, is for the Constitution. So I asked him what the fourth amendment was using to know what was (I presume he did anyway. Since I didn’t, a little hypocrisy here on my end)

He was behind the signatures of objecting to a tax increase

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Utopia, no performance

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