How to recover from writing slumps:


This information is from a panel I listened to a year or so ago. I took notes while attending a wonderful SF/F symposium called Life the Universe and Everything. The panels are very educational. The panelists were: Ami Chopine, Jessica Douglas, Berin Stephens, Howard Taylor.

–        Medication can help with mental and physical challenges.

–        For depression there are a list of behavior tricks that can help (example : snap the rubber band around your wrist each time you have a negative thought and then replace it with a good one.) This will train your brain.

–        Certain actions / behaviors can trigger a problem. Avoid the trigger and sometimes prevent the problem.

–        Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Pay attention and maybe keep a journal on your life of what does what to your body so you can note cause and effect. By document patterns in your life such as when you might naturally wake compared to waking up to an alarm clock. Do you feel alert in mornings or afternoon? How do you feel on the different things you eat?

–        Your diet can influence your health.

–        When some people exercise they feel better. It will save your time. Because when you exercise you feel better and you save time due to better health.

–        Some people medicate life’s challenges. When one person moved to a new home, got new friends she got off her depression medicine.

–        Look at the choices you are making. You need to thrust beyond yourself doubt.

–        Before you medicate see what you can do with natural remedies. One might be able to fight diabetes by healthy living.

–        One can hurt hands and body by too much writing. Posture and proper equipment can help. Use a good keyboard and chair if it starts hurting. Stop. Do some other function with your hands that use of different muscles. I.e. knitting. Or do something different with your hands other than writing.

–        Have correct form and posture.

–        You need to pace yourself. Put hands/wrists in a natural position

–        Health needs need to be a life style change.

–        Try to eat green vegetables. Need to eat more alkaline vegetables.

–        Get sugar out of your life.

–        Eat healthy to lose weight.

If you have ways to stop writer’s block, please feel free to share them.

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