Advanced first aid


I want to preparedness fair and these are some notes from one of the presentations. Any misinformation is the fault o the note taker.

 When there’s a hole in the body where the lung is punctured you want to seal the whole. By taping plastic, credit card, whatever can create a seal over the wound. Tape in all areas except at the base where you create a slit to let blood escape. But it will also let the lung be sealed so I inflate.

  • Sign of lung damage is when someone has difficulty breathing. The thorax on the throat shifts to which damage long.
  • Head injury: eyes will look away from the area of the brain that is damaged.
  • Tourniquet: place 2 inches above the wound. Then write a T on the forehead of the patient. This will let emergency personnel know about the tourniquet. Release the tourniquet every 15 minutes a notch. See if blood flow resumes. If so resume the original knot if not then loosen. You want to put only a small bandage over the wound because we want to monitor the amount of blood that exits the room
  • When doing a bandage you can tie into two knots twisted knots to tighten the material and then locked down the pencil to keep the twist maintained. It will act as a handle to the screw.
  • Splints: when doing a splint on the arm instead of shaping and arm splint on the damaged arm shape it to the good arm and then transferred to the damning storm. For the foot you want the foot to be in a natural state. So you create an L-shaped so that the foot is at a 90% angle which is its natural state. When doing an arm set it up so that the fingers conferral into a soft fist which is relaxed state of the hand. Otherwise, the tendons of these body parts can have long-term damage because they heal wrong.
  • 95% of dislocated shoulders are in the front of the arm. The quicker you reset the dislocation the better
  • Blood pressure can tell you if the person is in shock or has internal bleeding. You want to check it every few minutes. If there’s a change in there’s a problem the top number is not as important as the bottom.

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