What Jokes can teach pt. 2


This section is dedicated to presenting some jokes to support a theme.  This is a continuation from last week.  I found these jokes on the internet. I couldn’t find any authors of these jokes. A joke can be used to support a stereotype or to break one.

Theme: Don’t underestimate the elderly

An older lady gets pulled over for speeding.

Older Woman: Is there a problem, Officer?

Officer: Ma’am, you were speeding.

Older Woman: Oh, I see.

Officer: Can I see your license, please?

Older Woman: I’d give it to you but I don’t have one.

Officer: Don’t have one?

Older Woman: Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving.

Officer: I see…Can I see your vehicle registration papers, please.

Older Woman: I can’t do that.

Officer: Why not?

Older Woman: I stole this car.

Officer: Stole it?

Older Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.

Officer: You what?

Older Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see

The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for backup. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

Officer 2: Ma’am, could you step out of your vehicle, please! The woman steps out of her vehicle.

Older woman: Is there a problem sir?

Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.

Older Woman: Murdered the owner?

Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please.

The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk.

Officer 2: Is this your car, ma’am?

Older Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers.

The officer is quite stunned.

Officer 2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.

The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer.

The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.

Officer 2: Thank you ma’am, one of my officers told me you didn’t have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.

Older Woman: Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too!!!!

Don’t Mess With Old Ladies

What can this joke teach? One route could be how truly difficult a police officer’s job can be. When a police officer pulls over a car, they risk their lives every time, dependent upon the type of person they are pulling over.

I want to take a different slant on this joke. Many times people, especially many youths, with show disrespect for the elderly.  People only see the elderly in their current state and don’t realize all the things they contributed to throughout their lives.  They invented new technologies, created companies, raised families, and fought wars. They’ve contributed to the success of the community through living their daily lives.

I remember hearing a story once, I can’t find it on Google (drats). I think President Reagan was being interviewed. He was asked something like, how can older people relate to young people today? We have the internet, cell phones and video games and a whole slew of inventions that didn’t’ exist two decades ago. I think President Reagan said. The old people today were those who invented the internet, cell phones, and video games.

By beginning with this joke, you could teach a youth class or audience the value of the smarts of the elderly. Then you might be able to give a personal experience of different mentors who added such a positive influence in your life. Be specific of what they taught you and how their lives and experience that gave them those perceptions which in turn widened your mindset.

Who has had more experience, an 80 yr old or a 20 yr old? Invite your students to take advantage of that experience.


Theme: Honesty

A business owner had just finished his new budget and realized he could hire a new employee. He only had to choose if he wanted to hire an accountant, an HR person or a lawyer. To help him decide hr asked each the following questions. What is 2×2?

The accountant did some calculations and spreadsheets and she finally said “3.9999.”

The HR person answered,” Well, it depends upon what 2 #1 and 2#2 are thinking at the current time. Depending upon the cohesiveness of the team and their home life the consensus may result in four.”

The lawyer thought upon the question. Then she went about the room, closed all the windows and draperies. She made sure the main door was secured. She walked over to the interviewer and quietly asked? What do you want it to be?”

Obedience to the law or a moral code can begin when we are young and last until we are old. You can teach about the benefit of honesty ranging from one’s reputation to being consistent and reliable.

These are only a few ideas to share on how to use a joke to teach a theme. There is a whole range of jokes.

Here is a homework assignment. Find your favorite joke and then define the hidden message that’s within it. Humor can be an invaluable asset in providing variety, entertainment and a deeper understanding to the themes you wish to share with your class or audience. You may ask what makes the joke funny? What truth or what is the universal thread/truth in the telling that so many people can relate to? Those answers can help you determine what theme you can teach through the sharing of that joke.


Do you have something to add, either humor or technique? If so please do so in the comment section of this blog. Thanks.

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