Inaccuracies of the terrorist attacks of 9/11:


I attended a political meeting where the guest presenter was Rebecca Roth. She is a retired flight attendant. And because of her experiences and contacts, she learned some questionable information about 9/11 that invalidates what we’ve been told by the media and government

  • Website:
  • September 23, 2001: Saudi Arabia is so faithful for using their citizens as participants of 9/11.
  • Now playing parts that the Pentagon.
  • Cell phones can work at the altitude.
  • Aluminum planes don’t fly the buildings don’t disappear.
  • A Jew working at the federal building was told not to come to work.
  • $240 billion of Brady bonds were held in the office of one of the buildings destroyed.
  • The procedure of the staff is to take off labels and hide in a blanket.
  • A flight attendant on plane for 20 minutes;
  • Nine the customer targeted as a terrorist was and is rarely Special Forces
  • Danny and other attendants conflict each other in the testimonials.
  • Brent, not pilot said a group of passengers took over the prior.
  • Number 19 hijackers from the hot aircraft. Barbara Olson, spent 10 years
  • Either those investigating or participating in 911 was associated with HBO and Associated with the law firm interactive 9/11. (I think that was what was said)
  • Security at airports raided a lot of illegal items.
  • ITCS – in the car started by a convict who ran security for major airlines
  • There are keywords to use and communicating a hijacked.

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