Confidence by Keith Johnson:


I attended the get motivated seminar and took notes on various motivational speakers as well as people selling the product. Here are some comments by Keith Johnson. Any misinformation or misquotes is the fault of the note taker.

  • You should be further along than you are. Everyone has unleashed potential.
  • Ask yourself what is stopping me?
  • What you find out what is holding you back to take steps to fix what’s holding you back.
  • Be BIW= best in world.
  • Those who rise to the top do so because of confidence.
  • Why is the lion considered the king of the forest. All the creatures are afraid. It does not go to prey and ask may I eat you. The lion takes the pray. The animals of the forest fear the roar.
  • You deserve to live successfully.
  • Three confidence robbers are: fear, uncertainty, and self-doubt. Go through fear and you can achieve your full potential.
  • Reach for people who are 10 times better than you.
  • MIA: take massive intelligent action.
  • Confidence helps you achieve your dreams.
  • Confidence produces the assistance and assistance produces prosperity.
  • Does my self-image equal the size of my dream for your future?
  • Failure is not a person it is an event to delay your path to success.
  • If I create negative images of myself I create positive images of myself.
  • I believe with every cell of my body I will be a success in life. Tell this to yourself.
  • Lookup zigs Ziglar presentations on YouTube.
  • Melva’s quote she came up with: a small seed begins in a small space.


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