Resist getting cocky: 


Sometimes it is easy to get cocky about one’s knowledge. I was humbled today by a friend showing me a Scripture about the three wise men. Matt 2:11.

I have read Scriptures over and over again and still miss so many things. Because of the Nativity scene having a three wise men, I thought that the three wise men arrived at the night of Christ’s birth the. But with Matthew 2:11 my friend showed me that they actually arrived at Mary and Joseph home to give their gifts. That would be very logical as they would require several months to follow the star, visit King Herod, and to arrive to deliver their presents.

So today’s theme is to always be open to learning new things.

Object lesson: not as it seems:

Objects for lesson: handheld mirror, photograph, squirt bottle with water, mud.

Get a mirror and tape a photo on it then gently smear mud over the mirror so that you can’t see the photo. Then give a lesson about how we can make assumptions or perhaps depend too much upon our current level of knowledge. Give a personal example of how you learned something that you never knew before. In my case it would be about the three wise men visiting the home of Joseph and Mary rather than in the manger.

Discuss with your family or class other areas that we may make wrong assumptions. Discussed possible areas we may miss-understand the Scriptures or understanding certain principles of the gospel.

As you then conclude the lesson go ahead and have one of the family or class members squirt water on the mirror. Gradually the mud drains away to reveal the photo. The photo represents new/discovered knowledge.

Relate with your class different ways of how each can always be open to new areas of knowledge.

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