Destroying Native American Archaeological Sites:


This is not the name of the panel but it is what it’s about. I recently attended a Book of Mormon evidence conference. I listened to a number of panels that gave archaeological evidence of where events occurred in Northern America that matched the events in the Book of Mormon. It was a great conference. Today’s blog is on some notes on a panel discussing the destruction of Native American sites. If there are any inaccuracies in my notes, its due to my bad spelling or problematic note taking. I tried to be as accurate as I could.

– Alma 53:4.
– John Wesley Powell, Lewis Morgan, and E.D. Squire came to New York to create an archaeological organization.
– In 1842, Congress is petitioned to start the Smithsonian.
– Lewis Henry Morgan, inspired by Darwinism, wrote a book about Darwinism with others. One of the authors developed a theory of cultural evolution, which is pretty much going from Savage to barbarian and from Bavarian to human.
– Joseph How was the minister in the 1830s in Palmyra, New York, near where Joseph Smith Jr. lived. He was instrumental in channeling the direction of the Somalian. In a book called Seeing Things Whole, it is said that Powell was a reformer. A biographer said that Powell secularism replacing religion. Inspired by Joseph Henry Munro, Powell determines how artifacts were to be labeled in the Smithsonian. Arranged for work on the mounds to be terminated.
– Archaeological sites were destroyed.
– October 4, 1989, talks about a tribe elders being present during some of the creation of the Constitution and they gave input.
– To listen to the Book of Mormon themed fireside check out Kay jazz 14 on Sundays at 4:30 PM
– Towers among the Nephies were made of wood and stone. This is significant because where are they now among Native American archaeological sites? Most have been destroyed. Check out these scripture references.
Alma 46:36
Alma 48:1
Alma 50:4
Alma 51:20
Mosiah 11:12
Mosiah 20:8
Mosiah 28:17
Helaman 7:10
– Tennessee as the land of Nephi.
Mosiah 11: 12 look at the mountain. Compared to Chattanooga, Tennessee, we can see the remnants of a tower on the mountain.
– Alma 22:32 two major rivers in Tennessee.

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