Telling God what to do: 


I was having a conversation with a friend who couldn’t understand why churches could not be more politically correct when it came to homosexuality.

My response was that many religions feel that God has told them  that same sex relationships, sex outside of marriage, etc. is against God’s law. I told her I didn’t feel qualified to dictate to God his opinion on things, politically correct in today’s standards or not. I thought this would make a good topic for Teaching Embellishments today. I hope the subject can be of use to youth ministries, family counselors, family devotionals and family home evenings.

In Sunday school today we reading verses in Isaiah. The following scriptures, discuss that God doesn’t need our advice.

Isaiah 40:13-14:

13 Who hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being his counsellor hath taught him?

14 With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and shewed to him the way of understanding?

Object Lesson: Select a wall outside the classroom/home. Cover the wall with plastic. Make sure the plastic is secure. Now throw raw eggs at the wall. We can try to insert our opinion on the wall or to tell God oh how we feel he should run the world. Or perhaps how we feel he interpret his commandments. We leave our impression on the wall with the yokes and shells dripping down. Now use a hose and spray away the eggs. Remove the plastic and the wall remains.

God is eternal. He knew our past and he knows our future. He knows our potential and from experience knows the pros and cons of our decision. We should keep that in mind as we consider what counsel he gives us to live happier lives.

The wall can be interpreted as a protection against the cold of outside and of us making bad decisions that can add sorrow to our lives. God, having lived in the eternities, has a long term understanding of what we are. He loves us, but does have counsel for how we should live our lives.

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