Asset back end return:


These are some notes I took at financial seminar last fall. Hope they can be of use.

–          For every dollar you get 50% protection.

–          Liens: take time to make money.

–          Start 20 5K get 232,830 in 10 years with the Texas Lena 25%

–          over-the-counter: is buying liens after auction.

–          Insurance companies normally bid on the big properties.

–          Bidding for tax liens is one. But whoever bids the lowest percentage of interest. If no one bids against you. You get the original set percentage offered by the state.

–          Don’t go lower than 14%

–          Florida has a rule that the homeowner has to pay an extra 5% per month to what their taxes due.

Have more to add to the list, please share in the comment section of the blog.

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