Self-esteem, like a balloon:


Today’s lesson is going to be a little bit different. Today, I wish to talk about the theme of self-esteem. I hope this can be of interest to youth ministries, Sunday schools, family devotionals and home evenings.

Object lesson: balloons.

The blowing up of the balloon can be compared to self-esteem. You can offer (blow) encouragement and someone self-worth can increase. Offer only criticism and the balloons in deflated by the exit of self-worth.

The increase or lessening of self-esteem can often be dependent upon how we treat each other. We can encourage and acknowledge another’s success and talents; as a result, that person can feel empowered to do new things because of their success in past goals. Once they feel they are the one thing, they may feel encouraged to try something completely new.

Maybe discuss with the family or class different situations of where we can encourage and strengthen another through words and actions of support. Give specific examples of what a person is doing correctly.

Maybe also giving examples of how words of only criticism can discourage others from trying new things.

Teaching a student new skills empower that student that they are capable of accomplishing many things. They may use the knowledge from the past goal to entirely new situation that may be entirely different from the first achieved. This might be a great opportunity to discuss the concepts of how practice and perseverance can be used in multiple situations. The student can learn from a good teacher and can learn how to perform quality work with their new task. If we devote too much time on only negative aspects of another’s efforts, that student may not be motivated to continue to improve anything.

Maybe give examples of how practice, observation, and experience each contribute to achieving various goals. If you are personal experiences to express this to be great time to share them

You may also discuss how excellence must be earned. The advantage of giving awards for exceptional behavior or ability is a way to reward someone for good work. Others who have not yet obtained the level of the skill can be encouraged to work harder to achieve their own goals and have a wonderful example to follow.

If you have anything to add to this theme, please for free to share it in the comment section this blog. Thanks.

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