Suggested daytime habits to address Burnout:


A couple of weeks ago I attended an online web-seminar about burn out. I took some notes and thought I’d share them. This is the next segment on the topic. This is the last entry from my notes.                                                                                                                  

–        Limit your alcohol and smoking even electronic cigarette

–        Napping can be useful. Only 20-30 min. longer time will interrupt your normal sleep pater

–        20-30 min. exercise

–        Keep a regular bed time even weekends

–        Don’t eat soon before bed 3-4 hours before bed time to help avoid acid reflex

–        If you have gird or acid reflex, sleep on the left side.

–        Avoid stressful situations before bed.

–        May need to replace your mattress every 10 years

–        Replace your pillows as they start absorbing stuff you’d rather not know about.

–        For bed sheets, higher thread count is better.

–        Have room temperature a little bit cool

–        Don’t have non-sleeping activity in your bedroom i.e.: TV

–        Maybe need soft/white noise

–        Maybe have some pretty music or pleasant sounds to listen too when sleeping

–        Maybe have a regular fan

–        Ear plugs for partners who snore

–        White noise machines is an option some sold by Mar back

–        Herbal teas

–        Listen to nooks on tape while getting ready to sleep

–        Crossword or knitting gives you mediation time.

–        Collect your mental pollution and imagine you roll into a ball and mentally throw it away

–        Mediation tapes

–        Seeking out humor and it builds endorphins. Laughter is calming

–        Avoid taking drugs

–        Sleep study may give you info if you have long term sleep issues but expensive

–        Imagine yourself doing something pleasant like working into a forest.

–        Put things in perspective. Doctor sees a good day if had one interesting patient a day.

–        Presentation on Risk/wellness page

–        Pursue DHA: dreams hopes and aspirations for career or personal life. What are those?

–        Think about how your company’s services or products help others.

–        avoid working/thinking of work even when away from work

–        Don’t have your cell phone by your bed. Depart from it.

–        Need to oil yourself like a car by taking care of yourself.

–        You need action plan to address burn out.

–        Burn out is different from depression

–        Keep yourself hydrated during intense activity and errands

–        Drink a lot of water

–        Look for things you enjoy and seek them out.

–        Find value in your tasks at work

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