Ideas for painting walls:


Today’s blog is dedicated to painting walls. I don’t have any personal comments this round that have gathered some interesting websites that can give some great ideas.,,20159698,00.html

If you painted walls and has additional ideas besides what’s present in these webpages, I invite you to share your ideas in the comment section of this page. Thanks

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2 Responses to Ideas for painting walls:

  1. LuAnn says:

    You’re inspiring me get back in the saddle with my languishing home improvement list. I’m thinking seriously of doing a tone-on-tone / gloss-on-matte treatment for my livingroom. I hate the color it is now, but I’m thinking of using a blue very like the deep blue on the sidebar, but I’m a little skittish. We had it in our old house, and Rich and I loved it, but it sure drew a lot of commentary from everybody who came in about how dark it was. Then again, he’s been a day sleeper for most of our almost-30-year marriage, so dark is good. :-)

    • admin says:

      Glad to hear from you. I hope the links will be of use for you.
      Once you’ve done the project, please feel free to share any observations you have on painting. Light blue verses dark blue sounds very pretty.
      Wishing you well.